Tech Stack
React, GraphQL, Context API
Project Detail
Query.Recipes helps marketers automate their day-to-day data analysis work by unleashing the power of Google Sheets, Data Studio, and BigQuery.
Query.Recipes needed a website redesign and additional features added to their website in order to present their services in the best light possible.
The Challenge
In order to provide the best possible experience for Query.Recipes users, I used React to redesign some of the website’s pages and created complex tables that include pagination and filtering. The tables needed to be up-to-date because of the big loads of data that they loaded and displayed. All the data shown in tables were uploaded using GraphQL.
The Solution
Because the application was already in production and used by customers, there was an emphasis on making things work seamlessly while not disturbing the current flow of the app. I have applied atomic design concepts for my components and tried to keep the presentation layer separated from the logic layer as much as possible so that it becomes more reusable. The code was covered by unit tests and documented using Storybook.
The Results
A successful remastering of the website’s look and feel. The bonus points: clean code that would allow for an easy further development.